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Anti-Heroes in Love

A forbidden romance between an ice-cold lawyer and her infamous mafioso client who is on trial for murder.


1. WHEN HEROES FALL by Giana Darling


I am the villain of my own story… Jilted by my fiance. A disappointment to my family. Haunted by childhood traumas. I felt so much all my life that I now resolved to feeling nothing at all. Until I met my match.

As the most infamous mafioso of the 21st century, Dante Salvatore was madly passionate, unequivocally bad, and entirely too dangerous to know. He was everything I abhorred, yet I found myself representing him in the biggest criminal trial of the decade.

I was so focused on winning and achieving the success I deserved that I didn’t notice the gorgeous black-eyed man’s effect on me until it was too late. My icy heart had been held too close to his flame and now I wouldn’t let Dante go down without fighting with everything I had in me. Even if the cost of a new life with him meant the loss of my old life and everything I thought I held dear.

2. WHEN VILLAINS RISE by Giana Darling


I am the hero no one wanted... I was a murderer. One of the cruelest and wealthiest men in New York City. Dante Salvatore, capo of capos. Yet I had one weakness. Elena Lombardi.

Cold as ice, sharp as the edge of broken glass, and more beautiful than any woman should have the right to be, she stormed my defenses and razed my life as I knew it to the ground. For her, I would once again play the hero and prove myself worthy of her unconquerable heart. For her, I would change everything.

I could have left her to the enemies hounding me, but instead, I made the unforgivable decision to take her with me to the old country. Now, there is no other option. In order to keep both of us safe, Elena Lombardi must become my wife.



Giana Darling is a TOP40 Amazon best-selling romance author who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love.

She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man’s bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her cat Persephone. She’s a lifetime athlete, playing and coaching basketball, soccer, field hockey, and softball, so she comes by her competitive spirit naturally. A born reader and self-proclaimed geek, she is enamored with mythology, history and all kinds of literature. Before becoming a romance novelist, she was a food journalist, a food blogger, a coach, a French tutor and the owner of a pie company. For the last few years she has been living all over Europe, mostly in her second home France, but she’s finally settled with the Love of Her Life in her hometown on an island off of Vancouver. 

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