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Reckless Kiss

Two parts of one who found love and fought hard for being together.


1. RECKLESS KISS by Tia Louise


I love you too much to hate you...

Angelica Treviño was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen. I wanted to make her smile, but I had no idea when she did, she’d steal my heart. Sunset eyes, waves of golden-brown hair, cute little butt... I’m ready to meet the family and put a ring on it. Instead, I’m on the wrong end of a gun, her older brother threatening to kill me.

It all started with a kiss...

Deacon Dring is a cocky rich boy with ocean-blue eyes, sexy brown hair, and a chiseled body. Soft lips that melt my knees, that melt everything. As a child, my family said he was bad. They made me promise never to see him again. But one touch of his hand, one reckless kiss, and I broke that vow... Many times. Now we’re adults, and the price of lying is more than I’m willing to pay.

They say we can’t be together. I say try and stop us.


Reckless Kiss was Tia Louise’s modern take on classic Romeo and Juliet with a little mystery thrown in-between feelings. It was also a good in-time calling for both racial equality and social justice, two prominent topics in the relationship between the main characters. The book followed Angel and Deacon who met as teenagers and fell for one another in a very insta-lovey kind of way. They dated secretly for years because of an unknown family feud, which ran deep. But despite the fact that neither one of their families approved of the two being together, Angel and Deacon refused to give up their love.

“Deacon is a decadent luxury I’ve kept close to my heart, a precious secret. My one true love.”

Angelica (Angel) Trevino was a fifteen-year-old Mexican girl who came to Texas after her mother passed away. She was left by her brother to adjust to a new life in a new country all by herself essentially. She was feeling so low and lost, but one reckless decision turned her world upside down once again. With years, Angel became strong and passionate. And managed to turn her talent and love for art (some sort of memory and continuation of her late mother) into something to be proud of. I appreciated how she drew a clear line between her job and her relationship with Deacon. And I liked how devoted and caring she was.

“I only wanted to give her a smile. I had no idea when she did, I would also give her my heart.”

Deacon Dring grew up wealthy and privileged but didn’t turn out to be an arrogant prick. He was intelligent, respectful, and charming. I got a strong feeling that the boy was lonely, but the day a beautiful girl ran into him and shared her first kiss with him, the lives of the two were forever sealed together. I loved how Deacon was all in the relationship and determined to face any obstacle directly. And I liked how he tried to make things right and perfect for his beloved angel.

When I was a boy. I’d dream of her kisses, sweet like candy. Now I’m a man, and my dreams are not sweet. They’re hot and hungry.

The feelings between Angelica and Deacon were intense. The chemistry was great, and the sex scenes were sensual. Unfortunately, I didn’t have an opportunity to witness and thus, missed the process of the two falling in love with each other, and that is usually my favourite part of any romance. The couple was together and stayed together throughout the entire book. Even the so-called ‘family feud’ did almost nothing to create a true obstacle so that the story could provide at least a little bit of angst.

Still, I quite enjoyed Reckless Kiss. The fact that Angel and Deacon loved each other without caring that they were of different races and different socio-economic classes was the best part of the book. I absolutely loved how devoted and unwilling they were to let anyone or anything tear them apart (even though I found the main conflict a bit cliche and boring). Their love story was heart-warming and cute. And the author’s clear writing only added to the whole experience.


Tia Louise is a USA Today best-selling, award-winning author of contemporary romance.

After being a teacher, a book editor, a journalist, and finally a magazine editor, she started writing love stories and never stopped.

Louise lives in the Midwest with her trophy husband, two teenage geniuses, and one grumpy cat.

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