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The Fight Game

Dive into the world of Philly MMA today!

1. 5 ROUNDS by Nikki Castle


She’s a feisty workaholic that hates his guts. He’s an arrogant MMA fighter that can’t afford any distractions. This isn’t the kind of fight they’re used to...

When Remy is suddenly evicted from her apartment, her best friend offers to let her crash at his house while he’s traveling for work. The only problem is, she can’t stand his arrogant, self-centered roommate, Tristan.

Now, she has to figure out how to live in the same house with him for ten days while dealing with all the temptation that comes with… including punching Tristan’s smug face in. But when one night strips them of their masks and exposes the truth, they’re forced to reexamine how they really feel about each other.

While Remy struggles with her attraction to this notorious womanizer, Tristan has to decide if his feelings for Remy are worth it, or if they’ll just distract him from his longtime goal of becoming a world champion.

Can Tristan and Remy drop their guards long enough to fall in love? Or will old prejudices deliver the final blow?

2. 2 FIGHTS by Nikki Castle


A toxic ex. A girl who lost herself. A childhood friend helping her find the way back.

When Hailey finally ends her relationship with her narcissistic ex-boyfriend, she thinks all her troubles have ended. But what she doesn’t realize is that the wounds he inflicted aren’t on her skin, but in the way she sees herself. And the only person capable of helping her heal has been in her corner all her life.

Jax has had a soft spot for the younger Porter sister ever since his family moved into their neighborhood. It feels like the most natural thing in the world to go from helping her with math homework, to holding her hand through a rough breakup years later. But as he starts to show her how beautiful and worthy she already is, he himself starts to notice the incredible woman that she grew up to be.

While Hailey struggles to balance finding her strength with navigating her budding attraction to her older sister’s best friend, Jax has to decide if his new feelings for Hailey are helping or hurting her journey.

Can Jax and Hailey start something new while the past is hovering over their heads? Or will Hailey’s scars hurt them both?


3. 3 COUNT by Nikki Castle


A charming ladies' man that everybody loves. A badass photojournalist that treats every day as a new adventure. A friends with benefits relationship.

When Aiden and Dani meet on his college campus, their playful banter and physical chemistry immediately draw them to each other. It’s easy for one accidental meet-cute to become a standing date, and for a certain understanding to develop between them. Because neither one of them has any interest in anything serious.

Over time, their physical relationship blossoms into an actual friendship. Before long, they’re texting for no reason, meeting each other’s friends, and spending nights together that don’t end between the sheets. But the closer they get, the more both of their apprehension toward relationships becomes an obstacle between them.

While Aiden struggles to balance his feelings for Dani with his long-term fear of abandonment, Dani is forced to reexamine her past and her reasons for not wanting to get close to anyone.

Will Aiden and Dani be able to get past their relationship fears and let themselves fall in love? Or will their mistrust of love keep them from their happy ending?

4. 1 LAST SHOT by Nikki Castle


He’s running from his past. She’s looking for a new way forward. Their journeys are about to collide.

When an injury overturns her ballet career, Isabella decides to move to a new city so she can start fresh and discover who she is without dance. The last person she expects to meet is the angry MMA fighter living next door.

Kane has spent his entire life putting up walls to keep people out, and he’s never had any problem doing it—until Isabella. Because the second the sweet ballerina appears in his life, it becomes apparent that his short fuse and brazen rudeness are not going to be enough to keep her away. And suddenly, that doesn’t seem like the worst thing in the world.

While Isabella searches for a new identity for herself, Kane has to decide if he’s willing to take a chance on someone for the first time in his life.

Can Kane and Isabella help each other to find their new paths in life? Or will Kane’s ugly past keep them from their happy ending?

5. 4TH DEGREE by Nikki Castle


He’s her coach. She’s too young. They’re both risking everything.

Forced to grow up too soon, Skylar has built her entire life around taking care of her family. But when she catches her first lucky break, she’s finally able to pick up the sport that has always intrigued her. Signing up at the local MMA gym is where she meets Coach Dominic.

Because everything in Dominic’s life is based on his reputation as a coach and fighter, he’s always kept a professional boundary between himself and his students. But when Skylar impresses him in the gym, and their post-class chats start to last into the night, that boundary begins to blur. Before long, a relationship develops between them—that they’re forced to keep behind closed doors.

While Skylar struggles to balance her feelings for Dominic with taking care of her family, Dominic has to decide if he’s willing to risk everything for a chance at love.

Will Dominic and Skylar let themselves find happiness with each other? Or is the cost of their relationship too high?


Nikki Castle is a popular author of contemporary romance.

She’s a wife and dog mom from Philadelphia who spends her evenings running a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) gym with her husband, who is also a retired fighter.

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