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For Lovers Who Hesitate

She is looking at the entire world in front of her, and he’s standing right behind looking at his…

He is taking the business world by storm, not noticing how she’s left behind…



Charlotte Beaufort is a free spirit trapped in a gilded cage and shadowed by the nightmare of her past.

Her handmade ribbons might seem childish and silly, but her designer dresses are not PG-13. She is too quiet and awkward among strangers, but is embarrassingly inappropriate among her so-called friends. No one can even fathom it’s not her drinking problem, but a childhood trauma making her a hellraiser that she is. Little does everybody know it’s just a carefully crafted disguise, there to hide her many insecurities and pain.

Nobody can crack Charlotte’s toxic facade… except him.

Hayden Hendrix—the first and only love of Charlotte’s life—is an epitome of the American dream. Her best friend’s brother—once a brooding boy living in the pool house of her family’s mansion—who used to braid her hair and read donated chemistry books to her every night turned into the gorgeous man in a personally tailored suit—a self-made billionaire under 30—who she can never keep her deepest secrets from.

Their feelings were never supposed to escape the friend zone, but Hayden’s love for the beautiful Charlotte is too intense to be kept leashed. Even by him. Something was always bound to happen but at what cost?

When life throws a wrench into the plans of the two lovers, they are forced to make a decision that might inevitably break their hearts.

And by the time they both stop hesitating, their hearts might be too broken to mend.


Anzhelika Li is an indie author of contemporary romance.

She writes for men and women from different backgrounds, empowering and encouraging them to be the masters of their own destiny and live unapologetically free.

Anzhelika is a wife to the love of her life and mother to the cutest Siberian husky. She has a slight obsession with all things romance and cybersports. Her perfect day would be chilling with her dear family and enjoying a book with a bag of sour cream and onion chips.

She travels a lot due to the nature of her main job. But most of the time, you can find her in Moscow, Seoul, and Toronto.

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