Midnight in Scotland

The unlikeliest matches generate the greatest heat. All it takes is a spark of Highland magic.



No lady can tempt him more than the next shore.

Everyone wants handsome adventurer John Huxley to settle down—family, friends, London society. Everyone except John. He’s evaded too many scheming title huntresses to trust in happily-ever-after.

Now, a vow made to a dying friend has him locked in a land dispute with a stubborn Scot who offers one way out: Win the Highland Games. John likes a challenge, but this one’s impossible. Still, with training from the Scot’s stepdaughter, victory might be within reach. He only has to teach the fiery, foul-mouthed, breeches-wearing lass how to land a lord. It seems ‘impossible’ is just getting started.

She’s no lady—she’s Mad Annie Tulloch.

Everyone calls her Mad Annie. True, her best friend is a ghost. And yes, her greatest talents involve cooking for giants and taunting ridiculously handsome Englishmen. But she’s not mad—she’s desperate. To save her friend, Annie must marry a lord. The trouble is, no lord will look twice at a hoyden like her. This calls for ‘Lady Lessons’, and she knows just the uptight Englishman to provide them.

When did a simple bargain become a battle of desire?

Amidst cursed castles, caber tossing, and questionable chaperones, John and Annie’s wildfire attraction threatens to send their plans up in flames. And when Annie’s family is targeted by a dangerous enemy, John is tempted to stay, to fight, and to win the greatest prize of all: A fiery lass's tender, loyal heart.



A Scot on fire.

Wrongfully imprisoned and tortured by an unseen enemy, Broderick MacPherson lives for one purpose—punishing the villain who targeted him. But when a wayward English lass interrupts his revenge, he loses his enemy in the dark. Now, her compelled testimony could send Broderick back to the prison that nearly killed him. Unless they find a loophole—an inconvenient, shockingly tempting loophole.

A beauty under pressure.

For Kate Huxley, visiting her brother in the Scottish Highlands is a blissful escape from the stifling expectations of the marriage mart. Blissful, that is, until a scarred, beastly Highlander with a heartbreaking past frightens her out of her wits, making her a witness in a criminal inquiry.

A match to light the darkness.

Kate has no wish to testify against a man who’s already suffered too much. But the only remedy is to become his wife. And she can’t possibly marry such a surly, damaged man… can she? Well, perhaps. If it means she can stay in her beloved Scotland. And if he promises they’ll never fall in love.



A woman hunted.

Once a hopeless wallflower, Clarissa Meadows blossomed into a beauty for a single splendid season—only to catch the eye of a madman bent on possessing her. Now, she must flee where he’ll never follow: a friend’s house in the Scottish Highlands. Except he does follow. And Clarissa has nowhere left to run.

A protector unbound.

Campbell MacPherson shouldn’t be dreaming about the fair English lass who blushes like a sunrise, blurts out double entendres over breakfast, and shows a peculiar interest in the size of his hands. But when she reveals the threat putting fear in her eyes, this rough, solitary giant vows his protection, even if it means keeping temptation as close as his next breath.

A temptation too hot to deny.

Clarissa couldn’t ask for a more imposing—or enthralling—bodyguard than Campbell MacPherson. But accepting his protection puts him squarely in a predator’s sights. And soon, she faces an impossible choice: stay in the shelter of his arms or save the man she loves from the wolf she’s brought to his door.

3.5. RIGHT PLACE, WRONG DUKE by Elisa Braden


A duke, an abduction. What could go wrong?

Young widow Lucie Carmichael has made too many mistakes in her life—choosing the wrong husband, trusting the wrong solicitor, wearing the wrong shade of red to a funeral. But this time is different. This time, she has a plan. The Duke of Dingwall is about to evict her family from their ancestral home, and she means to change his mind, even if it involves a little abduction.

A night in Scotland, a woman in red. What’s a man to do?

Silas Northfield is not the Duke of Dingwall, no matter how many times a mad Scottish beauty in a tight red dress insists he is. When she abducts him from a meeting with his half-brothers, Silas decides to take matters—and the luscious Lucie Carmichael—into his own hands. But teaching Lucie to unleash her stunning sensuality might be his greatest mistake. Because she’s sworn never to remarry, and he’ll need more than a night to satisfy his hunger for this heartbreaking woman. He’ll need a lifetime.

Right place wrong duke by Elisa Braden



An angel in freefall.

A year ago, Sabella Lockhart lived in sheltered gentility as the sister of a Scottish lord. Then her brother’s shocking crimes came to light, leaving her with nothing but horrifying memories, unpayable debts, and a blackened name. Before she leaves Scotland for good, she must face the family he harmed most: the MacPhersons. But when a Highland robbery takes everything but the gown on her back, she’s forced to accept help from the MacPherson who despises her more than any other. The one man she can’t forget.

A devil who burns for revenge.

Alexander MacPherson hasn’t forgotten Sabella Lockhart for a single bloody moment. She’s the reason he was shot, the reason he endured a hellish recovery, the reason he hasn’t slept soundly in a year. So, when she turns up stranded and penniless in the village tavern, he offers her a position—as his maid. Let her dirty those pristine hands scrubbing floors. Let her earn those silk gowns one shilling at a time. Nothing could be more satisfying than having her sleeping under his roof and following his commands. Ruthless? Absolutely. But that’s the catch in a deal with the devil. He always takes more than his due.

A collision between heaven and hell.

When Sabella rises to his challenge, her fire brings Alexander to his knees. But she doesn’t know how ruthlessly he’ll fight to keep an angel by his side. Or how dangerous a devil can be when the woman he wants more than air and whisky is threatened by a past that won’t stay buried.



More information is to be announced soon.


Elisa Braden is an author of historical romance.

Reading romance novels came easily to Elisa. Writing them? That took a little longer. After graduating with degrees in creative writing and history, Elisa spent too many years in ‘real’ jobs writing T-shirt copy... and other people’s resumes... and articles about giftware displays. But that was before she woke up and started dreaming about the very unreal job of being a romance novelist. Better late than never.

Elisa Braden lives in the Pacific Northwest, where you’re constitutionally required to like the colors green and gray. Good thing she does. Other items on the ‘like’ list include cute dogs, strong coffee, and epic movies. Of course, her favorite thing of all is hearing from readers who love her characters as much as she does.

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