Queen Move
“We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe itself out - and we have only just begun.”
1. QUEEN MOVE by Kennedy Ryan
The boy who always felt like mine is now the man I can’t have…
Dig a little and you’ll find photos of me in the bathtub with Ezra Stern. Get your mind out of the gutter. We were six months old.
Pry and one of us might confess we saved our first kiss for each other. The most clumsy, wet, sloppy… spectacular thirty seconds of my adolescence.
Get into our business and you’ll see two families, closer than blood, torn apart in an instant.
Twenty years later, my ‘awkward duckling’ best friend from childhood, the boy no one noticed, is a man no one can ignore. Finer. Fiercer. Smarter… Taken…
Tell me it’s wrong. Tell me the boy who always felt like mine is now the man I can’t have.
When we find each other again, everything stands in our way—secrets, lies, promises. But we didn’t come this far to give up now. And I know just the move to make if I want to make him mine.
Kennedy Ryan has once again proven that her words make magic. They are incredibly vibrant and meaningful, which only makes her readers drawn in the depths of her love stories that skillfully cover socially important issues. And these issues usually provide extra layers to Kennedy’s unique characters and engaging plot. In Queen Move, a topic of a socially imposed idea of ‘perfect family’ was discussed, which I loved loved loved.
The author did an amazing job of creating a romance written in the stars, unfolding the concepts of soulmates and destiny. Kimba (who first appeared in All the King's Men Duet) and Ezra made me have a feeling like even when life gets in the way, true love will eventually find a way…
It feels like we were this one thing that was severed in half, and our parts want to be rejoined.
Kimba and Ezra were together since long before they learned how to talk. There was something special about their childhood friendship and the transition from dedicated compassion to innocent curiosity to genuine feelings of irresistible love. I absolutely enjoyed a number of seamless time-jumps from their teenage years to the years when the two reconnected as adults. I must say that I firstly fell in love with Kimba and Ezra as individuals, and then as a real power couple.
The years fall away like a torn veil separating him from me, then from now. It hasn’t been years. There has only been one long day for us on which the sun has never set. We were never lost, and this place has always been waiting for our wandering hearts, for our prodigal souls to finally, together rest.
Kimba was a remarkable woman all the young girls should look up to. Independent, intelligent, and hard-working. While Ezra was a dream-come-true man with high morals and respectable principles. I honestly loved their relationship dynamic. Hazak, Hazak, Venithazek (be strong, be very strong, and we will strengthen each other) was a perfect description of the power their strings and ropes held. Every single exchange of words and opinions, every single glance, and touch, and feel. OMG! I don’t even have proper words to describe the chemistry the two had. The sex scenes were scorching hot. But I liked the kisses the most. They felt so sincere and sensual… You definitely need to check them out for yourself!
“It feels less like I am getting to know you and more as though I am remembering who you are.”
Long story short, Kennedy Ryan is an extremely talented author who has an ability to make you fall really hard for the main couple and enjoy their swoon-worthy romance, while reflecting on socially important issues that plague our modern society at the same time. She makes you believe that love does exist and change is also seizable… Queen Move by her was everything I wish every socially misjudged and mistreated romance novel is. Thought-provoking, feelings-invoking, authentic, raw, and real.