Sincerely Yours

Aren’t we all waiting for a certain someone to finally pull a friends-to-lovers card?


1. SINCERELY, CARTER by Whitney G.


Just friends. We’re just friends. No, really. She’s just my best friend.

Arizona Turner has been my best friend since fourth grade, even when we ‘hated’ each other. We’ve been there for one another through first kisses, first ‘times’, and we’ve been each other’s constant when good relationships turned bad. (We even went to colleges that were minutes away from each other…)

Throughout the years, and despite what anyone says, we’ve never crossed the line. Never thought about it. Never wanted to. Until one night changed everything. At least, it should’ve...

Just friends. We’re just friends. I’m only saying this until I figure out if she’s still ‘just’ my best friend…

2. FORGET YOU, ETHAN by Whitney G.


I’ve always hated her. She’s always hated me. We’ve never been friends, just the best of enemies...

I’ve hated Rachel Dawson since I was seven years old. My next door neighbor and number one sworn enemy, she’s the reason why almost all of our childhood fights ended with me setting something of hers on fire. (Or, vice versa.)

She snitched on me when I broke curfew. I snitched on her when she lied about having a boyfriend. We went back and forth like this throughout high school, both vowing to never talk to each other again when we went off to college. But that was until she showed up at my apartment during my senior year and asked me for a temporary place to stay. Until living with her day after day became unbearable, and one passionate argument changed everything. Well, almost everything.

I’ve always hated her. She’s always hated me. I’m not sure what the hell is happening, and I can’t tell if we’re still ‘enemies’...


Whitney G. is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. Her books are currently published in over a dozen languages.

She lives deep in the Tennessee woods and spends most of her time drinking coffee while penning dirty-talking alpha males.

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