Underworld Gods

A dark fantasy romance based on the Underworld of Finnish Mythology? Sign me up, please.

0.5. GOD OF DEATH by Karina Halle


Death. The Grim Reaper. The Destructor. Darkness personified.

There are countless phrases and words to describe Death, but none matter much to Tuoni, God of Death and Tuonela, the Underworld. He’s got his hands full, trying to keep his errant family in line while lording over the unruly dead in a dark and fantastical land.

But even all-powerful Gods have enemies, and Death will have to rely on his quick wits and merciless drive to reclaim his throne as life’s ultimate villain, even if it means sacrificing those closest to him.

1. RIVER OF SHADOWS by Karina Halle


When 24-year old Hanna Heikkinen’s estranged father dies, she reluctantly makes the trip to Northern Finland for his funeral. Being in the enchanting land of ice and snow feels miles away from Hanna’s busy life back in Los Angeles, especially under the complicated circumstances.

But when Hanna discovers that her father’s body is missing, that’s when things really get weird. A mysterious man, Rasmus, tells Hanna the truth: her father was a powerful shaman who went into Tuonela, the Realm of the Dead, in order to barter for more life, and has been held captive by Tuoni, the God of Death. The only way her father can be freed is if she travels with Rasmus into the mythical underworld to rescue him.

Willing to do anything to have a second chance with her father, Hanna accompanies Rasmus into the dark and bloody realm, traveling via the River of Shadows, stalked by dangerous creatures, monsters, and the living dead, until they finally come into the haunted kingdom ruled by Death and his family. Only for her to be captured and held prisoner by the God of Death himself.

Turns out Death is intrigued by Hanna’s beauty and fierceness and makes a bargain with her. If she marries him and spends an eternity in the Realm of the Dead as his wife, he’ll set her father free.

But even the most noble sacrifices come with hidden costs, and Hanna's might involve the most unexpected of all things: her heart.

2. CROWN OF CRIMSON by Karina Halle


All Hanna Heikkinen wants is to be reunited with her father again. After all, that’s why she ventured into the dark and dangerous fantasy world of Tuonela, the Land of the Dead, in order to save his life. But this time her devotion to her father comes at a cost—her growing relationship with Tuoni, the God of Death himself, who held Hanna captive in exchange for her father’s life. The last thing she expects is to feel remorse at how she left things with Death, yet the dark and sexy God is all she can think about.

Death has always prided himself on never trusting the living, but Hanna’s apparent betrayal has left a scar fathoms deep. Vowing revenge on his future bride, and making sure she upholds her end of the bargain, Death sets out across his realm to steal Hanna back, which only fans the flames between them. But Death and Hanna aren’t just fighting each other—malevolent Old Gods are rising to power within the realm, magic is being poisoned, and buried secrets are brought to light, secrets that may cause Hanna to lose everyone she loves dear once again.

3. CITY OF DARKNESS by Karina Halle


When mortal Hanna agreed to marry Tuoni, the God of Death, in exchange for her father’s life, the last thing she expected was to fall for the morally grey anti-hero.

But it’s not only her heart that’s in danger now. As she navigates her new role as the Goddess of Death in the spooky and macabre underworld of Tuonela, Hanna discovers that Death has many enemies in his kingdom, none more powerful than his half-demon ex-wife, Louhi.

With an uprising of Old Gods at her fingertips, and skeleton armies ready to do her bidding, Hanna and Death must work together to make sure the underworld isn’t lost forever, even if it means losing each other and all they hold dear.

4. GODDESS OF LIGHT by Karina Halle


The finale. More information is to be announced soon.


Karina Halle is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author of contemporary romance and new adult novels. She is also a former travel writer and music journalist.

She lives on an island off the coast of British Columbia with her husband and her rescue pup, where she drinks a lot of wine, hikes a lot of trails and devours a lot of books.

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