Say You Still Love Me
Relish Tucker's tale of swoon-filled first love and the drama of reconnecting with a person you may never have stopped loving.
All the King's Men Duet
Be reminded once again that the possibilities are truly endless when we love and respect, dare to dream and hope to change the world we live in.
A Love Letter to Whiskey
Take a sip of this poignant literary masterpiece and get drown in the intoxicating aftertaste.
White Monarch
“Just remember—no monster thinks of himself that way. He’s just living by a different code than yours.”
Dirty Letters
“But sometimes we need to stop living in the past to allow ourselves to be happy.”
They were aware of the fact that their relationship was so wrong, but how could it be wrong when it felt so so good, so right?
Birthday Girl
“Birthday wishes don’t always come true, so I don’t waste a chance when I blow out a candle.”
Black Swan Affair
I teetered on the edge of my seat the entire time, agonizing over how this mesmerizing story would end…